MTA Rail Yards
The MTA's John D. Caemmerer West Side Storage Yard, which opened in 1986, is a 26-acre train storage and maintenance yard for MTA-Long Island Rail Road (LIRR) trains that serves the operations at Pennsylvania Station and commuters to and from Long Island. The rail yard is located between West 30th and West 33rd Streets from 10th to 12th Avenues, and consists of an eastern portion (Eastern Rail Yard) and western portion (Western Rail Yard) as divided by 11th Avenue.
The MTA selected the Related Companies in May 2008 to develop both the Eastern and Western Rail Yards.
Eastern Rail Yard
The eastern portion of the rail yard is an approximately 13-acre site located between West 30th and West 33rd Streets from 10th to 11th Avenues. The ERY was rezoned in January 2005 to accommodate approximately 6.6 million gross square feet of mixed-use development, including office, residential, hotel, retail, cultural and parking facilities, and public open space. The zoning controls for the site require approximately 7 acres of public open space, including a significant public plaza and The Shed, a cultural facility. The Eastern Rail Yards were opened in March 2019.
Western Rail Yard
The western portion of the rail yard is an approximately 13 acre site located between West 30th and West 33rd Streets from 11th to 12th Avenues. The WRY was rezoned in December 2009 to accommodate approximately 6 million gross square feet of mixed-use development, including office, residential, hotel, retail, cultural and parking facilities, and public open space. The developer has also made a commitment to build up a minimum of 265 permanently affordable rental units on the WRY, and an additional minimum of 166 permanently affordable units on either the WRY or ERY, in either rental or condominium buildings, for a total of 431 permanently affordable units. The High Line connects to the southern and western edges of the WRY.
The development of both the Eastern and Western Rail Yards requires the construction of a platform over the active LIRR operations.
2009 Site Plan (click to enlarge)
Illustrative View of Rail Yards Build Out (click to enlarge)
For more information on Related’s plans for the redevelopment of the MTA Rail Yards, visit their website at